Empresas de coworking e compra compartilhada de barcos falam sobre economia colaborativa na Câmara
Sharing EC Coworking em Pinheiros
Sharing EC Coworking em Pinheiros
In the midst of an economic recession and with a lowering 2% GDP in the country, Brazilian coworking operator, Sharing E.C., made a bold US$2,000,000 investment on a 10 story building that will host its newest coworking location. Founder Matias Vazquez explains how the new building,… Continue a ler »SHARING E.C. HOPES TO BECOME LARGEST COWORKING OPERATOR IN SOUTH AMERICA WITH US$2,000,000 INVESTMENT
Histórias e desafios que fizeram e ainda fazem parte da vida de founder de coworking. Aqui no Coworking Brasil estamos sempre buscando uma maior aproximação da comunidade. Hoje nasce o projeto Fala Founder, que vai dar voz para diversos founders de coworkings pelo Brasil para… Continue a ler »Fala Founder: um papo com Matias Vazquez, do Sharing EC
Matias Sebastián Vázquez is half Brazilian, half Argentinian, and loves football and his Corinthians. He’s married with two children and defines himself as a frustrated media consultant and a connector. He founded MSV Assessoria, Sharing E.C., Coworking na Garagem, Coworking Day Brasil, COLATAM, and is currently in… Continue a ler »“Coworking is sharing the way you see the world” Interview with Matías Vázquez